Friday, September 2, 2011

Cleaning with Basic H

I cleaned my tub with Basic H cleaner yesterday.  I hate cleaning tubs.  You actually have to scrub them.  Apparently now that I use real soap instead of detergent (e.g. shampoo) I am going to have more build up in my shower.  Soap reacting with water leaves salt = shower scum.  Wonderful.  Did I mention I hate cleaning tubs?  The scrubbing.


Basic H works as well as Clorox with Bleach (my old favorite tub cleaner), only without me accidentally bleaching something.  I'm clumsy and absentminded, accidental bleachage happens all the time.  Seriously.  I spray on Basic H, wipe out the tub (wipe, not scrub) and leave.  Huzzah!

If you are determined to clean your house with "safe" ingredients, but don't want to buy anything extra, use a combination of castile soap, baking soda, and vinegar.  That will get anything clean with a little hot water and some scrubbing.  Trust me.  Just don't ever mix the vinegar with the other two ingredients, unless you happen to be conducting a first grade volcano science experiment.

Using a cleaning process with three ingredients seems like too much work, though.  If you want to know more about it, read about someone who cleans that way here.  Her instructions for using baking soda, vinegar, and castile soap are what all my other hippie friends have instructed me to do.  It might be super cheap to clean that way, but I'd rather buy time.  Or, at least buy time that I don't have to spend cleaning.  The extra pennies per squirt to buy something a little more traditional seem well worth it to me.

This is why I use Shaklee products.  They're still super safe, environmentally friendly, yadda yadda yadda.  But easy to use.  One squirt and I can move on with my life!

I have used Basic H to clean my stove, spots in the carpet, the bathroom, the counters.  It hasn't met anything we've thrown at it yet that it couldn't clean!

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