Sunday, December 4, 2011

New job!

I've been missing from the interwebs.  I probably missed it more than it missed me. 

Why have I been missing, I'll pretend it asked?

Well, I started a new job/got promoted at my temporary job.  Kind of an in-depth explanation is required, but that's the gist of it.  Here's what has been keeping me so preoccupied:

I work for this company called Endorse. They are a startup in the Bay area that gives people 2% back for purchases at retailers and 10% back on products that you "endorse" on their Facebook app. They have only been around for about 2 months. Big name products and retailers are on their app. You mail in your receipts (think Netflix style system, here) and in a few weeks they mail you a check. It's basically a big rebate program.

The position they just promoted me to is kind of an efficiency manager, which might be WAY over my head... but I'm excited about the challenge (when I'm not panicking!). Basically I'm responsible for developing a system of data entry and mailing that is as fast as possible. Up until now I've just been typing in data off of your receipts and doing a very small amount of customer service.

It has some super interesting problems and, with the drive times included, takes up about 11 hours of my day.  If I have anything else going on in the evening, I'm often gone for up to 14 hours.  My husband and kitties have been feeling neglected.

I haven't had the greatest response to the change in my schedule.  I am a person who needs a LOT of down time to recharge, ponder, and keep myself at a basic functioning level.  When I don't have this time, my general reaction is to veg in front of the television.

NOT healthy.

And not the downtime I need.  Anyway, the last weeks have been my typical overwhelmed/tv flopping/rinse/repeat cycle that happens when my schedule changes.  It has been interspersed with a week or two of all-in, gung ho, everything is clean thrown in here and there (which is why I have clean clothes to wear), but generally speaking, I'm still in my adjustment cycle.

Time to watch more Star Trek?

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