Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Best Homemade Shampoo

There's a new craze on the internet.  Okay, well, not new, but new to me.  No-'poo.  Apparently there is a whole wave of people who have decided NOT to shampoo their hair.  The internet's a funny place.  Which is really just a covered-up way of saying humanity is.

Anyway, keeping with my trend of chemical free cleaners, I decided to see what these no-poo folks had to say.  I tried a few things, but ended up with a clear winner.  Look out nostrils, this is the best smelling stuff EVAR.  Eeps!

A friend linked me to this website.  I modified the shampoo recipe a bit for my tastes.  If you're into that sorta thing, have at it.  If not, here's what I did:

1/4 cup Dr. Bronner's peppermint castile soap
1/4 cup water*
2 tsps jojoba oil
1/4 tsp tea tree oil

I accidentally went a little crazy with the tea tree oil.  I'll cut it down next time.  And add chamomile tea instead of water!  It you don't know where the chamomile came in, you clearly aren't one of those people who sees a footnote and must run, immediately, to the bottom of the page for an extra tidbit.

I had tried using straight castile soap once before.  Do NOT do this.  Hello, frizz.  It is much too drying to use by itself.  Make sure you dilute this if you're going to go the no-poo route.

Wanna know the crazy thing about this experiment?  I still have a bit of Pantene Pro-V left.  Every time I use that instead of my no-poo castile stuff, my hair is a grease ball the next day.  Seriously, you'd think I hadn't washed my hair the night before.  My body must really be reacting to chemicals now that I've been cutting them out so completely.

*Side note, you can substitute camomile tea for a natural lightener.  Do NOT mix lemon juice with the soap, like some recipes on the internet say.  Here's why.

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