Friday, August 12, 2011

Dr. Bronner's Soaps - 'Cuz everybody's doing it

Did you know your skin absorbs three fifths of what you put on it?  Now go read what's on the label for your lotion, shampoo, and body wash.  Eeeeew!  Time to change.

Every site I've visited mentions Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps.  They are the ultimate in multitasking, granola products.  I have purchased one of their body bars before out of curiosity more than for any health-conscious reasons, and I remember my reaction being "meh."  However, since apparently lots of all natural, super healthy, safe, plant derived, blah, blah, blah stuff doesn't actually work, I figured I'd take the safe road and try this first as a body wash and as a shampoo.

I got a bottle of peppermint castille soap (it was soooo hard to choose between peppermint and citrus!).  Most websites suggested diluting the soap to half soap, half water before using it.

Now, Dr. Bronner's products are famous for being versatile.  Unfortunately, since I already bought all of the Shaklee cleaning products (which ran about the same price as Dr. Bronner's would break down to for their laundry detergent, and their Basic H multipurpose cleaner was actually even cheaper) I did not plan to use the castille soap for housecleaning.  I did, however, need some me cleaners.

Body Wash
I squirted a few drops of this on my loofah and scrubbed like I normally would.  I was surprised that the soap lathered a bit as I thought soap only did that with artificial whatevers added.  The peppermint made the soap tingly and wonderful!

I had heard that castille soap can be a bit drying, but that was not the case.  New favorite body wash!

This is coming out in a later post.  Click here.

Shaving Cream
This stuff was FABULOUS as shaving cream!  I've been using oil like my mother before me, and this was so much better!  Don't dither or dally... run, run to the store.  You will never shave with anything else.  Evar.  It is not like shaving with other kinds of soap that leaves your skin irritated.  I was serious about running to the store.  Why are you still reading this?

Shower Cleaner
After a fun scrub-a-dub bathtime with my new soap goodness, I thought I'd try to clean the tub with the soap.  This failed miserably.  I even left the soap on for a while to see if it would do any better at cutting through the accumulation on our tub walls  (I later learned that soap moves dirt around, while detergent and baking soda cut through soap for scrubbing!).  Shaklee products will still be my cleaning products.  However, Dr. Bronner's body products have far surpassed Shaklee's body products for effectiveness.  I'm ridiculously pleased.

Overall the castile soap was a winner.  It's very economical because of all the things it can do.  Plus, the peppermint smells fabulous!  There are a gazillion "recipes" for all of the possible uses for the stuff online.  Buy a bottle, have some fun, and no longer worry when your cats or kids eat things they shouldn't.

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